What Are Some Of The Most Dangerous Baby Items?

When you find out that you’re expecting a child, it’s often difficult choosing between the many different products on the market. Some items may come from a longstanding brand and look safe, but they’re not really the best choice. You owe it to yourself to read what consumer reviews say about it.

Jumpers that can be secured within a door frame seem ideal for babies because they allow them to get accustomed to standing upright. They also encourage them to bear weight on their feet and legs in preparation for walking.

But these jumpers can cause your baby to suffer serious injuries if they’re improperly secured in the doorway. They also may lead your child to develop a poor posture if they’re left in it for too long.

Walkers can also be dangerous. In 2005, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled 29,000 of them because they had exposed parts that could cause injuries. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) launched an initiative to have them banned after the CPSC reported that 4,000 babies were injured while using them in 2010. Some children fell down the stairs in them.

Drop-side cribs are also unsafe. In between the years 2000 and 2018, the CPSC reports that 32 babies died when the cribs’ railings malfunctioned. Several million drop-side cribs were recalled at that time before the CPSC banned them in 2011.

Another baby product that can be dangerous is a crib bumper. Many parents use them to keep their infants’ skulls from making contact with the hard bars of a crib. They actually can strangle or suffocate babies, however.

Other dangerous baby items include car seat toys, sleep positioners, crib tents and Bumbo seats.

When a company designs a product, they often do so to fill a void in the market. In some cases, the rush to get it on the market means that it undergoes far less testing than it should. This results in unsafe products getting sold to unsuspecting customers in California and elsewhere in the country.

Babies are fragile and can easily get hurt by defective products. Parents of Sacramento children who have been injured may consult with personal injury attorneys. By doing so, they can learn more about the legal remedies they can pursue to recover medical costs and other expenses that they’ve incurred.
