Noemi Nuñez Esparza Photo

Noemi Nuñez Esparza

  • Profile
  • Credentials

Ms. Nuñez Esparza is a partner with the prestigious firm of Dreyer Babich Buccola Wood Campora. She has tried cases throughout Northern California involving mild traumatic brain injury, catastrophic injury, and wrongful death with Roger Dreyer, founding partner of the firm. Ms. Nuñez Esparza has also tried and handled a variety of cases from dog bite injuries and car collisions to child sexual abuse and premise liability cases. She has experience handling cases in venues throughout Northern and Southern California. She has been selected as a Rising Star by the Northern California Super Lawyers from 2016-2019. This recognition is bestowed on less than 2.5 percent of all attorneys. She has also been recognized by San Francisco Magazine as one of Northern California's Outstanding Young Lawyers and selected by Top Attorneys - Sacramento's Outstanding Young Lawyers.

In every case, Ms. Nuñez Esparza brings forth her experience working as an attorney for more than a decade for one of the preeminent firms in California and her experience as an immigrant and mother. Fighting for justice was nothing new to Ms. Nuñez Esparza when she embarked on her legal career. As a woman of color and an immigrant, she has had to overcome many hurdles to achieve where she is today. She discovered early on a passion for justice. Her experiences resulted in her decision to become a trial lawyer representing injured victims.  She brings her determination and passion for justice to every case. 

Aside from working hard for her clients, Ms. Nuñez Esparza is also active with the Consumer Attorneys of California (CAOC) in its effort to effect positive change in the law as it relates to consumer rights and the rights of injured victims to obtain justice. She has been an invited lecturer for CAOC and has testified in legislative committees on behalf of injured victims. In 2016, Ms. Nuñez Esparza assisted in efforts to pass Assembly Bill 2159 that corrected an injustice for immigrants who were being denied the full extent of their damages when they were injured by someone else's negligence. She testified in legislative committees and lobbied legislators urging passage of the bill.

Ms. Nuñez Esparza is originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico where most of her family currently resides. Prior to becoming an attorney, Ms. Nuñez Esparza worked as a political fundraiser for Sandino Consulting from 2000 to 2002. From 2002-2005, Ms. Nuñez Esparza worked in the California Legislature, initially as a Legislative Aide, and was later promoted to Legislative Director to Assembly member Simon Salinas. In 2005, Ms. Nuñez Esparza worked for the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, a nonprofit, statewide domestic violence coalition in Sacramento, as the Public Policy Program Manager. Between 2000 and 2005, Ms. Esparza also served as a volunteer for the Sacramento Court Appointed Special Advocates Program, where she advocated in court for the best interests of children in the foster care system.     

When Ms. Nuñez Esparza is not working and advocating for the rights of others, she is spending time with her two young children.


La Sra. Nuñez Esparza ha juzgado casos en todo el norte de California relacionados con lesiones cerebrales traumáticas leves, lesiones catastróficas, y muerte por negligencia con Roger Dreyer, socio fundador de la firma. También ha juzgado y manejado una variedad de casos, desde lesiones por mordeduras de perros y colisiones automovilísticas hasta casos de abuso sexual infantil, y responsabilidad de locales en todo el norte y el sur de California. Ha sido seleccionada como la “Estrella en Ascenso”, por Northern California Super Lawyers® de 2016-2019. Este reconocimiento se otorga a menos del 2.5 porcentaje de todos los abogados. También ha sido reconocida por San Francisco Magazine como una de las Abogadas Jóvenes Sobresalientes del Norte de California y seleccionada por Top Attorneys, como una de las Abogadas Jóvenes más Sobresalientes de Sacramento.

En todos los casos, la Sra. Nuñez Esparza aporta su experiencia trabajando como abogada durante más de una década para una de las firmas más importantes de California y su experiencia como inmigrante y madre. Luchar por la justicia no era nada nuevo para la Sra. Núñez Esparza cuando embarcó en su carrera legal. Como mujer de color e inmigrante, ha tenido que superar muchos obstáculos para lograr su puesto actual. Descubrió pronto una pasión por la justicia. Sus experiencias dieron como resultado su decisión de convertirse en abogada litigante que representa a víctimas lesionadas. A cada paso, la Sra. Nuñez Esparza aporta su determinación y pasión por la justicia.

Además de trabajar arduamente para sus clientes, la Sra. Nuñez Esparza también participa activamente con los Abogados del Consumidor de California (CAOC) en su esfuerzo por lograr un cambio positivo en la ley, en lo que respecta a los derechos del consumidor y los derechos de las víctimas lesionadas para obtener justicia. Ha sido conferencista invitada para CAOC y ha testificado en comités legislativos en nombre de víctimas lesionadas. En 2016, la Sra. Núñez Esparza ayudó en los esfuerzos para aprobar el Proyecto de Ley 2159 de la Asamblea que corrigió una injusticia para los inmigrantes a quienes se les negaba la totalidad de sus daños cuando resultaron heridos por la negligencia de otra persona. Ella testificó en comités legislativos y presionó a los legisladores instando a la aprobación del proyecto de ley.

La Sra. Nuñez Esparza es originaria de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, donde reside actualmente la mayor parte de su familia. Antes de convertirse en abogada, la Sra. Núñez Esparza trabajó como recaudadora de fondos políticos para Sandino Consulting del año 2000 al año 2002. Del 2002 al 2005, la Sra. Núñez Esparza trabajó en la Legislatura de California, inicialmente como asistente legislativa y luego como directora legislativa para Asambleísta Simón Salinas. En 2005, la Sra. Núñez Esparza comenzó a trabajar para California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, una coalición estatal sin fines de lucro en contra de la violencia doméstica en Sacramento, como Gerente del Programa de Políticas Públicas. Entre 2000 y 2005, la Sra. Esparza también se desempeñó como voluntaria para el Programa de Defensores Especiales Designados por el Tribunal de Sacramento, donde abogó en el tribunal por los mejores intereses de los niños en el sistema de crianza temporal.

Cuando la Sra. Núñez Esparza no está trabajando y defendiendo los derechos de los demás, pasa tiempo con sus dos hijos pequeños.

Areas Of Practice

  • Personal Injury Litigation
  • Wrongful Death
  • Construction Accidents
  • Product Liability
  • Motor Vehicle Collisions

Honors and Awards

  • Northern California Super Lawyers® Rising Star Listee, 2016-2019
  • Consumer Attorneys of California Presidential Award of Merit, 2015

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • Capitol City Trial Lawyers Association, Member
  • Anthony M. Kennedy Inns of Court, Member
  • Consumer Attorneys of California (CAOC), Member
  • Women Lawyers of Sacramento, Member
  • Cruz Reynoso Bar Association, Member 
  • American Association for Justice, Member
  • Sacramento County Bar Association, Member


  • Spanish
  • Lincoln Law School, Sacramento, California
    • Juris Doctor - 05/2008
    • Honors: Best Trial Advocacy Award – Best Team 2008
  • University of California
    • Bachelor of Arts - 1999
    • Major: Communication
    • Minor: English

Bar Admissions

  • California, 2009

Awards and Accolades

A Proven Record of Success

Attorney Nunez-Esparza Has Recovered Millions For Her Clients
  • Auto Defect Resulting in Catastrophic Spine Injury $36 Million

    Jose Aguirre, a healthy, league soccer-playing 28-year old father of four young children, was on his way to work when his 2001 Nissan Xterra suddenly accelerated.

  • Sex Abuse and Molestation Case $12.5 Million

    This was a sex abuse and molestation case against the SACRAMENTO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT & THE CITY OF SACRAMENTO

  • Napa County Jury Returns Record $8.4 Million Verdict $8.4 Million

    Firm partners Roger A. Dreyer and Noemi Nuñez Esparza obtained a record verdict in Napa County of $8.4 Million for their thirty-three-year-old client and her three-year-old son who were involved in a collision with a street sweeper.

  • Motor Vehicle Accident $6.8 Million

    On June 1, 2015, Peggy O'Kelly was driving her Ford Expedition on Highway 29 when she was rear-ended, pushing her vehicle into the vehicle stopped ahead of her.

  • Settlement Obtained On Behalf of an Expecting Mother Who Lost Her Husband While on a Business Trip to the US $6 Million

    Firm partners Roger A. Dreyer and Noemi Nuñez  Esparza obtained a $6 Million settlement for a thirty-year-old expecting mother who lost her forty-one-year-old husband while he was on a business trip in California.

  • Settlement Obtained for the Elderly Parents and Siblings of a Single 57-Year-Old Woman $1.9 Million

    Firm partners Roger A. Dreyer and Noemi Nuñez Esparza obtained a $1.9 Million settlement for elderly parents and four of decedent’s siblings for the loss of their daughter/sister.

  • Motor Vehicle Accident $88 Thousand

    On August 14, 2014, Ms. Bedon, 29 years of age and 26 weeks pregnant, was securing her four-year-old son into the rear right passenger seat of her Chevy Tahoe. Suddenly and without warning, Defendant backed out of his parking space, striking the door of Ms. Bedon's vehicle, pinning and compressing her between her vehicle frame and her child's car seat.

  • Motor Vehicle Collision Involving Severe Burn Injury Confidential Settlement

    Firm partners Roger A. Dreyer, Robert B. Bale, and Noemi Nunez Esparza recovered confidential settlements from Defendants Toyota and GEICO

  • 7-Figure Confidential Settlement Obtained for a Woman Who Sustained a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Confidential Settlement

    Firm partners Roger A. Dreyer and Noemi Nuñez Esparza obtained a 7-figure confidential settlement for a woman who was involved in a motor vehicle collision on a state highway in Napa County.

  • 8-Figure Confidential Settlement for Elderly Couple Who Suffered Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries Confidential Settlement

    Firm partners Roger A. Dreyer and Noemi Nuñez Esparza obtained a 8-figure confidential settlement for a couple in their 80’s who sustained orthopedic injuries and mild traumatic brain injuries.

Why Clients Choose Us

  • We Have Helped Thousands of Injured Clients Secure Successful Verdicts & Settlements
  • We Have In-Depth Experience in All Types of Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims
  • Our Team Has Received Numerous Awards and Accolades Including “Best of the Bar", "Consumer Attorney of the Year” and More
  • You Can Count On Working with Your Own Lawyer and Receiving Prompt Responses to Your Concerns
  • No Case is Too Large or Too Small for Our Team to Handle
  • Lawyers, Doctors, Hospitals, Judges and Past Clients Continually Refer Cases to Us

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